As long as you’re using it wisely and responsibly, a credit card is a financial tool that can have a positive impact on your finances. You can maximize the rewards on a safe credit card and even use it to boost your credit score, which is essential if you want to access higher credit limits and better interest rates.
However, any new credit card can also be a valuable target for individuals with malicious intent. Thieves, hackers, and fraudsters can use various methods to try to steal your physical card or your online banking details and make unauthorized purchases. That’s why it’s important for any cardholder to take the necessary steps to protect their card details.
While keeping your card information private and placing your credit card in a safe place can provide you with a rudimentary level of protection, these steps alone may not be enough to safeguard you from identity theft. Take note that today’s fraudsters are well-versed in the latest technologies for stealing your information online.
It’s in your best interest to include the following in your overall credit card protection strategy:
1. Pay Only Using Safe and Vetted Credit Card Technologies
One important first step for securing your card details and making them less vulnerable to identity theft is to only transact using payment technologies that you can trust. Find out about the technologies and security features employed by traditional card issuers like banks, as well as contemporary digital bank issuers like the Philippines’ Maya, and make sure that the cards you regularly use are part of a security system that’s well-vetted by consumers.
The Landers Cashback Everywhere Credit Card by Maya is one example of a card that comes with security features you can count on. Even when the physical card hasn’t been delivered to the applicant, they can see their card details straight on the app for use in one-time unlinked online payments once their application is approved. It’s also easy to check on transaction details and detect anything “off” with a quick review of their Maya account. Consider the Landers Cashback Everywhere Credit Card the safest credit card, as well as the most convenient card, for current and future Landers members.
2. Use Secure Websites and Apps When Shopping Online
Similar logic applies when you’re choosing which sites and apps to transact on. Whenever you’re shopping online, make sure that the websites you’re visiting are secure. These types of websites use data encryption to protect people’s data by making it much harder for hackers to intercept and steal personal information.
A major indicator that a website encrypts user data is how its URL is spelled out. The URLs of secure websites begin with “https://” instead of “http://”— with the “s” standing for secure. Another good sign that a website is secure is that it has a padlock icon in its address bar.
If you use apps for most of your online shopping, ensure that they’re official and made by trusted vendors or retailers. They should also implement well-known security and safety features, such as biometric authentication, two-factor authentication, and automatic logouts. Transact only from sites like these to minimize the chances of your credit card data being compromised.
3. Avoid Connecting to Public Wi-Fi When Shopping or Banking Online
Public Wi-Fi networks, which are often found in coffee shops, malls, airports, or libraries, may be convenient for consumers, but they can also be a hotbed for identity theft. These networks are usually unencrypted, which makes it easy for cybercriminals to intercept the data you transmit—including credit card information.
When you connect to public Wi-Fi, you expose yourself to potential risks like man-in-the-middle attacks, where a hacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communication between you and the websites you’re visiting. In this case, the best way to protect your credit card information is to avoid making any online purchases or accessing banking websites while connected to public Wi-Fi.
If you must access these services on the go, consider using your mobile data instead, as it’s generally more secure than public Wi-Fi. You can also opt for a virtual private network (VPN), which can encrypt your internet connection even on public networks.
4. Shred Any Document That Comes with Your Personal Information
Bank statements, receipts, and credit card offers contain your personal details, and if they aren’t properly destroyed, identity thieves can retrieve this sensitive information by searching through your trash.
Before you throw out these documents, make sure that they’re completely shredded to make it much harder for identity thieves to obtain your credit card information. You can shred these documents with your hands, but it’s in your best interest to invest in a good quality shredder. Cross-cut or micro-cut shredders are particularly effective because they can cut paper into smaller pieces, thus making it nearly impossible to reconstruct the original document.
5. Familiarize Yourself with Common Identity Theft Tactics
Identity theft tactics are constantly evolving, and being aware of them will do a lot to help you recognize and avoid potential threats. One common tactic is phishing, where scammers send emails or texts or make phone calls posing as legitimate companies with the intention of tricking you into providing your personal information. These messages often include links to fake websites designed to capture your credit card details.
Another tactic to be aware of is skimming, where thieves use small devices to steal credit card information during legitimate transactions, such as at ATMs or gas stations. These skimmers can read the data stored on your card’s magnetic strip, which can then be used to create counterfeit cards. If you put in the work to familiarize yourself with these tactics, you can better identify suspicious activities and be empowered to protect yourself from identity theft and other threats. When it comes to your everyday finances, a little knowledge will definitely go a long way. To stay safe from identity theft, remember the tips above the next time you pull out your credit card.