Webinar Summary
IT Service Management is a technical service, implying that a business is successful only when customer is satisfied. Understanding the pulse of the customer and customer’s business requires an approach with an attitude to excel. It is not just reading what is written in black and white in the Service level Agreement (SLA). Today, it is common to hear of dissatisfied or lost customers, but still the whole delivery team emphasizes more on the word “technical” instead of “Service”.
Sitting on the other side of the fence in customer’s shoes, one realizes that maximum portion of the SLA is defined by the IT Service Provider. Subsequently, SOMEHOW the SLAs are deemed to be met and one expects “delighted customers” with “continuous business revenue”.
Therefore, a re-look into all aspects of delivery, starting from “defining of offering” to “Pre sales”, “Sales”, “Service design”, “Service transition”, “Service delivery” and “Service testing” is essential. Today, ”Service Testing” is not a mandatory compliance against frameworks / standards.
This webinar focuses on some of these pulses with some examples wherein IT service delivery tends to move in a tangent and how these can be improved with “process excellence in IT Service Management”.
What you will learn:
- Do agreements address business requirements in terms of business revenue needs i.e. benefits/ loss or are they just replication of standardized SLA?
- What are the impacts of “accountability” “attitude” and “competence” in technical service delivery?
- Why does one loose customers even after meeting SLAs?
- What are the impacts on delivery as a result of commitments by “sales” and transition methods by “transition team”?
- What are the missing elements, in IT Service delivery which leads to dissatisfied / lost customers?