About the Partner
Assioma.net supports IT in the effective governance of application quality. It offers its customers specialised skills gained through almost thirty years of experience, flexibly organised in an agile structure comprising more than 200 employees. It has shares in leading companies in the market and works with important academic communities in Italy and abroad.
Assioma.net’s customers include very important companies in the sectors of Telecommunications, Industry, Services, Finance and Public Administration.
Assioma.net guarantees its customers experience, professional resources, an in-depth knowledge of the market, and commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring the delivery of truly excellent results.
Company Info
- Industry: Assioma.net supports IT in the effective governance of application quality.
- Country: Italy
- Address: Via Rimembranze, 620090 Cesano Boscone (MI)
- Office Tel: +39 02.45055.810
- Mobile: +39 02.45055.841
- Email: info@assioma.net
- Website: assioma.net