Kovair’s Solution for a Connected Enterprise!!!
Accelerate product development to lead the market profitably by optimizing costs. improve productivity, quality & customer Satisfaction using Kovair Interoperability Solution…
- Collaboration – Accelerate time to market using Kovair’s Enterprise Interoperability through effective product lifecycle collaboration!
- Traceability – Manage regulatory compliance by connecting cross functional artifacts like product records with test results through End-to-End Traceability
- BOM Transformation – Establish BOM transformation using Kovair’s connected enterprise interoperability between MBSE-PLM-ERP systems to improve productivity
- Variant Configuration – Generate dynamic variant configurations of heterogenous engineering data across smart connected product lifecycle
- Closed Loop Process – Develop smart connected product concurrently using Kovair’s Enterprise Interoperability closed loop process management platform connecting people, data and process
Today’s Enterprise System Landscape – Kovair’s Perspective
Kovair’s Enterprise Interoperability solution offers
Connected Digital Thread of People, Process, Data across – Product Development, Process Engineering, Program & Project Management, Quality & Manufacturing!!!

Need for Enterprise Systems Interoperability
Area | Challenge | Reason |
Collaboration | Difficulty in communicating across departments for execution of systems engineering process. | Silos of distributed data among different engineering disciplines. |
Data Management | Inability to maintain updated versions of data across the SCP development. | Lack of data synchronization across enterprise tools. |
Data Visualization / Decision Making | No easy way to compare BOM / Design data iterations across different disciplines. |
Program/Project Management | Tracking the status of a project progress such as who is working on which deliverable across domains is a major issue. |
Data Governance | Inability to exercise streamlined access control with multiple stakeholders involved across various functions throughout the SCP product development. | User synchronization and role mapping across different tools could be a challenge |
Traceability | Tracking defect failure across the product lifecycle from Requirement to Release and conducting root cause analysis for troubleshooting could be a nightmare |
Use Case1: Multiple ALM – MBSE – Multiple CAD – Multiple PLM

Use Case 2: PLM-ERP Integration

Use Case 3: PLM-ERP Integration for Change Management

Use Case 4: ALM-PLM-MBSE Integration