Azure DevOps Server is a Microsoft product that provides reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, lab management, testing, and release management capabilities.
Zephyr for JIRA is an inherent application that is in JIRA and brings quality test management abilities to any JIRA project. When Zephyr is applied with JIRA, the test can be created, viewed in any JIRA project, and performed immediately or as part of a testing cycle that may be connected to other issues.
Migration Proposition
Migration of Jira Zephyr test data and test related artifacts to Azure DevOps as a work item provides a more centralized approach with a clear intention for agile. Through migration to Azure DevOps with JIRA Zephyr, an organization can seamlessly manage product development in a single tool. The engineers using Azure DevOps will have clear visibility into the exact test status and real-time access to any defects tagged to the requirements along with traceability. The migration achieved through Kovair QuickSync ensures that all historical and current data are moved to the target system with full context. Migration also takes cares of Attachments, comments and data inter relationships.
Features & Benefits
- Migrate Requirements, Test, Test Steps and Test Run.
- Supports migration of Attachment, comments and change history.
- Full Scope migration of data with relationships.
- Can migrate data from one project to one or many Projects as well as many projects to one or Many.
- Supports both custom and system entities for migration.
- Copies data from source to target rather than cut and paste.
Benefits of Using QuickSync
Kovair QuickSync offers cost-effective, easy-to-configure & use, and intuitive platform for mapping tools and migrating/merging/ syncing tool data. Now enjoy less downtime, less adoption time, and bulk data migration facility without errors or loss of any data. The on-screen monitoring of data flow, real-time reporting of metrics, and synchronization history give total control on the data migration process which results in 100% migration with zero failure.
- Codeless configuration for mapping the Micro Focus ALM/QC projects, entities, and fields to the Azure DevOps counterparts.
- Easy monitoring capabilities, having the objective and subjective statistical view of the state of migration with reports and logs.
- No additional platform cost.
- Supports the Retry mechanism for any unsuccessful migration.
- Simple licensing based on the successful transactions across all configurations and all projects by any number of users.
- Supports migration of bulk data along with comments.
- Side-by-side comparison of post-migration data.
- Data sanity check option for migrated items.
Migration Support Details
Jira | Azure DevOps |
Migration Use Cases
With Kovair QuickSync, one can easily sync all the artifacts like Bugs, Test cases, associated test steps, test cycles and its test executions from Jira Zephyr to Azure DevOps and vice versa. One can easily migrate Epics, Features, Requirement, Tasks and Bugs from Azure DevOps to Jira Zephyr without any data loss. We can migrate artifacts along with its comments, attachments, and relations also.
Let us consider a business scenario where an organization wants to migrate from Jira Zephyr to Azure DevOps including artifacts like Issues, along with its Source Control Management links, Test cases along with its test steps, test cycles and executions. Migration of a JIRA issue which is related to any Git commit will bring necessary link information and after getting added or updated in Azure DevOps Services, will be linked to the same commit of the imported ADO Git repository preserving commit ID, commit date time.