Kovair DevOps and Slack Integration Plugin

Slack Plugin Details

Plugin Version: 1.0
Last Update on: February 25, 2020


Slack is a cloud-based proprietary instant messaging platform developed by Slack Technologies. Slack provides a smart alternative to corporate email system.
This plug-in has been designed to manage Slack Teams from Kovair DevOps platform.

Slack Information:

More information can be found at Slack.

Version Supported:

Slack SAAS (Cloud).

Plugin Operations:

  1. GetChannelDetails
Gets a channel details by channel ID.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Channel ID true The ID of the channel whose details will be fetched.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
OutputLog Response message content.
  1. CreateChannel
Initiates a public or private channel-based conversation.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Name true The name of the channel to be created. Must follow the naming rules / conventions of Slack.
Type true Set whether the new channel will be a public or private one.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
ChannelID Identifier of the newly created channel.
  1. RenameChannel
Renames a channel.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Channel ID true The ID of the channel whose name should be renamed.
New Name true The new name of the channel. Must follow the naming rules / conventions of Slack.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
ChannelName New name of the channel.
  1. SetTopicOfChannel
Sets the topic of the channel.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Channel ID true The ID of the channel.
Topic true Provide the topic of the channel (max 250 characters allowed by API).

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
OutputLog Response message content.
  1. SetPurposeOfChannel
Sets the purpose of the channel.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Channel ID true The ID of the channel.
Purpose true Provide the purpose of the channel.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
OutputLog Response message content.
  1. ArchiveChannel
Archives the conversations of the channel.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Channel ID true The ID of the channel.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
OutputLog Response message content.
  1. UnarchiveChannel
Un-archives the conversations of the channel.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Channel ID true The ID of the channel.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
OutputLog Response message content.
  1. SetReminder
Creates a reminder.
Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Text true The reminder text.
Time true The time (in future) when reminder will be trigerred. This should come in the following format:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
User false The user for which reminder will be trigerred. As per API requirement, please provide user’s member ID as parameter value (e.g.: UU2SYEK7U). If not provided, reminder will be created for the user who is invoking the API.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
OutputLog Response message content.
  1. PostMessage
Sends a message to a channel.
Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Channel ID true The ID of the channel where message should be posted.
Text true The message to be posted.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
MessageTimeStamp Unique timestamp of message in the channel.
  1. SchedulePostingMessage
Schedules a message to be sent to a channel in future.
Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
OAuth Access Token true The OAuth Access Token of the Slack Integration App.
Channel ID true The ID of the channel where message should be posted.
Text true The message to be posted.
Time true The time (in future) when message will be posted. This should come in the following format:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
StatusCode HTTP Status Code of REST call.
Status Status of the operation.
ScheduledMessageID Unique ID of the scheduled message.

Pass / Fail Conditions:

Method Status Condition
All methods Passed If Status   = true 
All methods Failed If Status   = false 

Disclaimers / Limitations:

  1. Connectivity with Slack SAAS environment must be ensured.
  2. Rich Text Formatting in message to be posted via Plug-in is currently not supported.
  3. Since Slack only allows app based API communication, hence the integration with Slack must be done by creating an App with adequate user token scopes and the same has to be uploaded in Slack. For more, please visit: https://api.slack.com
  4. User Token scopes required:
    • calls:read
    • channels:read
    • channels:write
    • chat:write
    • groups:read
    • groups:write
    • identity:basic
    • im:read
    • im:write
    • links:read
    • mpim:read
    • reminders:read
    • reminders:write
  5. The App’s OAuth Access Token must be used as security parameter to connect with Slack. Follow the steps to get the OAuth Access Token of your Slack App:
    • While being logged into Slack, visit https://api.slack.com/apps
    • Click on the appropriate app from the list named ‘Your Apps’
    • In the next UI, go to the section ‘Features’ appearing on the left pane, click ‘OAuth & Permissions’
    • Copy the value of OAuth Access Token

Release Details:

Slack: 1.0
Initial version with basic functionalities

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