Kovair DevOps and Jira Integration Plugin

Jira Plugin Details

Plugin Version: 1.0.1
Last Update on: December 20, 2019


JIRA is a project management tool used for issues and bugs tracking system. It is widely used as an issue-tracking tool for all types of testing.

Jira Information

More information can be found at Jira.

Version Supported:

This plugin was developed and tested against version present on Jira Cloud

Plugin Operation:

CreateIssue This operation allows to execute a job:

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Url true Jira instance Url. Ex – http://localhost:8080
Username true Jira login username.
Password true Jira login password.
Project true Jira projects of the given instance.
Entity true Jira issue type of the selected project.
Field true Jira fields of the selected issue type.
Note : As per the given credentials, input params may vary. Projects,Entities & Fields are dynamically populated based on the instance details provided in the security params (Url,Username,Password).

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
IssueId Id of the issue created
IssueKey Key of the issue created
JiraStatus Final CreateIssue job status.

Pass/Fail Condition:

Status Condition
Passed If the Issue in jira successfully get created and no error occurs in fetching/pushing data from jira.
Failed If the Issue in jira failed to create or any error occurs in feching/pushing data from jira.
  1. UpdateIssue

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Url true Jira instance Url. Ex – http://localhost:8080
Username true Jira login username.
Password true Jira login password.
Project true Jira projects of the given instance.
Entity true Jira issue type of the selected project.
Field true Jira fields of the selected issue type.
EntityId true Jira Issue Id of the current issue.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
IssueId Id of the issue created
JiraStatus Final UpdateIssue job status.

Pass/Fail Condition:

Status Condition
Passed If the Issue in jira successfully get updated and no error occurs in fetching/pushing data from jira.
Failed If the Issue in jira failed to update or any error occurs in feching/pushing data from jira.
  1. AddComment

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Url true Jira instance Url. Ex – http://localhost:8080
Username true Jira login username.
Password true Jira login password.
Project true Jira projects of the given instance.
Entity true Jira issue type of the selected project.
Field true Jira fields of the selected issue type.
EntityId true Jira Issue Id in which comment will be pushed.
Note : Only comment field will be available for AddComment job.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
CommentId Id of the comment added.
IssueId Id of the issue created
JiraStatus Final AddComment job status.

Pass/Fail Condition:

Status Condition
Passed If the Comment in jira successfully get created and no error occurs in fetching/pushing data from jira.
Failed If the Comment in jira failed to create or any error occurs in feching/pushing data from jira.


  1. Only ‘Text Field(single and multiline)’ and ‘Select List (Single choice)’ type fields are supported for this plugin.
  2. Following special characters are supported ~`!@#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]:;<>?,./.
  3. Multiline text field won’t support any html text as input, wiki and normal text are supported
  4. User field exposed as singleline text field, provide correct username
  5. The functionality solely depends on jira API, if the API behaviour changes the result may vary.

Release Details:

Jira: 1.0.1
Initial version with basic functionalities.

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