Kovair DevOps and Jfrog Artifactory Integration Plugin

JFrog Artifactory Plugin Details

Plugin Version: 1.0.1
Last Update on: December 20, 2019


JFrog Artifactory is an artifact repository manager, which is entirely technology agnostic and fully supports software created in any language or using any tool. It is also the only enterprise-ready repository manager available that supports secure, clustered, high availability Docker registries.

JFrog Artifactory:

More information can be found at JFrog Artifactory.

Version Supported:

This plugin was developed and tested against version present on JFrog Artifactory 6.13.1

Plugin Operation:

1. DeployArtifact This operation allows to deploy a file from local computer to JFrog Artifactory repository:

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Url true JFrog Artifactory instance Url(Ex:
UserName true JFrog Artifactory login username.
Password true JFrog Artifactory login password.
Repository true Repository name of JFrog Artifactory (Ex : nuget-local)
File Path true Full path of the file to be deployed (Ex : D:\demo\demo.txt)
File Name true Name of the file (Ex : deployment.txt)

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
FileUrl File Url in JFrog Artifactory repository.
FileSize File size in byte.
CreatedBy File uploaded by.
CreatedOn File uploaded on.

2. DownloadArtifact This operation allows to download a file from JFrog Artifactory repository to local computer:

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Url true JFrog Artifactory instance Url(Ex:
UserName true JFrog Artifactory login username.
Password true JFrog Artifactory login password.
Repository true Repository name of JFrog Artifactory (Ex : nuget-local)
File Name true Name of the file (Ex : deployment.txt)
File Path true Full path where the file will be downloaded (Ex : D:\demo\demo.txt)

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
FilePath File location where the file is downloaded.
FileSize File size in byte.


  1. Only deploy and download artifact can be done using this plugin.
  2. For upload and download artifact, file path should be a valid path of agent machine.

Release Details:

JFrog Artifactory: 1.0.1
Initial version with basic functionalities.

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