Kovair DevOps and Jasmine Integration Plugin

Jasmine Plugin Details

Plugin Version: 3.5.0


Jasmine is a Behavior Driven Development testing framework for JavaScript. It does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework. Thus it’s suited for websites, Node.js projects, or anywhere that JavaScript can run.

Jasmine Information:

More information can be found at Jasmine

Version Supported:

This plugin was developed and tested against version : 3.5.0

Plugin Operation:

1. Run Jasmine
This operation allows to execute a job: Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Project Path true Location of the project directory.
Spec Path false To run a particular spec(provide the full path), i.e.E:/Demo/DEVOPS material/Jasmine-tool/spec/Project/calculator.spec.js.
Config Path false Path to your optional jasmine.json. (This is the command-line ‘–config’ option) i.e. E:/Demo/DEVOPS material/Jasmine-tool/spec/config/jasmine.json.
Filter false Filter specs to run only those that match the given string. (This is the command-line ‘–filter’ option).
Additional Options false Provide any additional options to add to the jasmine command. Don’t use the command that is already exposed as parameters. i.e. –no-color
Error Text false From jasmine execution log success or error can’t be identified. This field can be used to supply error text to search in Jasmine console log after execution. If given text found in console log, overall task status will be error. To concat multiple error text use ‘||’ operator. Leading and trailing space will be trimmed before searching. i.e. Sample Error Text : Execution Failed || URL unavailable.
Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
JasmineStatus Status of the operation
JasmineLog Console log of the operation
2. Run Jasmine Command

This operation allows to execute a job:

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text



Provide the command to excute as it is

Error Text


From jasmine execution log success or error can’t be identified. This field can be used to supply error text to search in Jasmine console log after execution. If given text found in console log, overall task status will be error. To concat multiple error text use ‘||’ operator. Leading and trailing space will be trimmed before searching. i.e. Sample Error Text : Execution Failed || URL unavailable.

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text


Status of the operation


Console log of the operation

Pass/Fail Condition:

Status Condition


All Path should be valid.


If the console log contains any of the value of Error Text field value.


Outputlog should contain ‘Unable to determine the workspace’..


Outputlog should contain ‘NO SUCH FILE OR DIRECTORY’..


Outputlog should contain ‘FULLYQUALIFIEDERRORID’..


Outputlog should contain ‘ERROR: MISSING ARGUMENT TO OPTION’..


Outputlog should contain ‘DOESN’T EXIST OR CAN’T BE OPENED’..


Outputlog should contain ‘JAVA.RMI.CONNECTEXCEPTION’..




  1. Run Jasmine function only supports node.js. For other language like Ruby, Python –> Use Run Jasmine Command.
  2. Plugin only supports to test node.js project.

Release Details:

Jasmine: 3.5.0
Initial version with basic functionalities.

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