Kovair DevOps and Docker Integration Plugin

Docker Plugin Details

Plugin Version: 1.0.0
Last Update on: November 29, 2019


Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels.

Docker Information:

More information can be found at Docker.

Version Supported:

This plugin was developed and tested against Docker Desktop –
1. Build This operation allows to build a docker file and creates docker image.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Username true Docker Username
Password true Docker Password.
Docker Path false docker.exe file path (Ex: C:\\Program Files\\Docker\\Docker\\resources\\bin). This may require if docker classpath is not set.
Dockerfile Path true Dockerfile folder path or Url (Ex : D:\\demo\\)
Other Options false Other options (Ref : https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/)

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
Output Log Build command output log.
Image Id Docker image id.
DockerStatus Status of the Operation

2. Push This operation allows to push a docker image to docker hub.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Username true Docker Username
Password true Docker Password.
Docker Path false docker.exe file path (Ex: C:\\Program Files\\Docker\\Docker\\resources\\bin). This may require if docker classpath is not set.
Repository true Docker repository (Ex : david/repodemo)
Tag false Tag on image (Ex : demo)
Image Id true Image Id (Ex : fae9161b007d)

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
Output Log Push command output log.
DockerStatus Status of the Operation

3. Pull This operation allows to pull a docker image from docker hub.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Username true Docker Username
Password true Docker Password.
Docker Path false docker.exe file path (Ex: C:\\Program Files\\Docker\\Docker\\resources\\bin). This may require if docker classpath is not set.
Repository true Docker repository (Ex : david/repodemo)
Tag false Tag on image (Ex : demo)

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
Output Log Pull command output log.
DockerStatus Status of the Operation

4. Run This operation allows to run a docker image.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Username true Docker Username
Password true Docker Password.
Docker Path false docker.exe file path (Ex: C:\\Program Files\\Docker\\Docker\\resources\\bin). This may require if docker classpath is not set.
Repository true Docker repository (Ex : david/repodemo)
Tag false Tag on image (Ex : demo)
Other Options false Other options (Ref : https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/)

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
Output Log Run command output log.
Container Id Docker container id.
DockerStatus Status of the Operation

5. Docker Command This operation allows to execute a docker command.

Input parameter(s):

Parameter Is Mandatory Help Text
Username true Docker Username
Password true Docker Password.
Docker Path false docker.exe file path (Ex: C:\\Program Files\\Docker\\Docker\\resources\\bin). This may require if docker classpath is not set.
Command true User can execute full docker command here(Ref : https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/docker/)

Output parameter(s):

Parameter Help Text
Output Log Docker command output log.
DockerStatus Status of the Operation

Release Details:

Docker: 1.0.0
Initial version with basic functionalities.

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