The Only Guide you Need for the Best CI/CD Pipeline Patterns for Deploying Software

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Best CI/CD Pipeline Patterns for Deploying Software

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines play a pivotal role in software development, allowing organizations to quickly and reliably deliver code changes. There are many factors to consider when designing a CI/CD pipeline, including the specific needs and constraints of the project, industry regulations, and organizational policies. 

To effectively implement a CI/CD pipeline, it is fundamental to consider common patterns that have been successful for other organizations. These patterns can serve as a starting point and be customized to meet the project’s specific needs. Some common patterns are linear/single-stage pipelines, multi-stage pipelines, fan-in/fan-out pipelines, feature branch pipelines, and blue-green deployment pipelines. 

However, the correct pipeline pattern for a particular project will depend on that project’s specific needs and constraints. It may be necessary to experiment with different patterns to find the one that works best for your organization. It will be exceptionally beneficial in situations like eCommerce product page optimization.

What is a Pipeline?

A pipeline is a series of processes or tasks connected and executed in a defined order, usually delivering software or other artifacts from development to production. In software development, a pipeline typically refers to a CI/CD pipeline – a series of automated processes that build, test, and deploy software changes.

A CI/CD pipeline typically consists of stages representing a phase in the software delivery process. For example, a pipeline might have steps for building and testing code, static code analysis, security scanning, and deployment. Each stage typically consists of one or more tasks performed in sequence.

You can trigger pipelines in several ways, such as by committing code to a version control repository, opening a pull request, or manually initiating a pipeline run. The pipeline then executes the tasks defined in its stages, providing feedback and notifications along the way. The output of a pipeline is typically a deployable artifact, such as a Docker image or a JAR file; you can use it to run the software in production.

What is CI/CD?

Continuous Integration (CI) is automatically building and testing code changes. The idea behind CI is to catch and fix issues as early as possible in the development process before they have a chance to become more extensive and more expensive to fix. To achieve this, developers integrate their code changes into a shared repository, such as Git, several times a day.

 Every time code is committed to the storage, an automated build process is triggered that compiles the code, runs tests, and checks for any errors. It allows developers to quickly identify and fix issues before merging into the main codebase.

Continuous Deployment (CD) automatically deploys code changes to production as soon as they pass all tests and quality checks. It allows for faster delivery of new features and fixes to end users and eliminates the risk of human error when deploying code manually.

Together, CI and CD form a robust pipeline to automate the software development process and help a WooCommerce Developer build better and more reliable software. 

In this blog, we will discuss the best CI/CD pipeline patterns for deploying software in detail.

1. Button Push

“Button Push” is a term often used in CI/CD pipelines to initiate a pipeline run manually. In many CI/CD systems, a “Run Pipeline” button or similar UI element can be clicked to start a pipeline manually.

Button push is typically used when the pipeline is not automatically triggered by an event, such as committing code to a version control repository or opening a pull request. It can be helpful for manually starting a pipeline for testing purposes or deploying code changes manually built and tested outside of the pipeline.

It is important to remember that manually triggering pipelines should be used sparingly, as it can increase the risk of errors and reduce the overall reliability of the CI/CD process. It is generally best to use automated triggers, such as committing code to a version control repository or merging a pull request. It ensures that the pipeline is always up to date and that code changes are deployed consistently and reliably.

2. Test Automation

Test automation is the process of automating the execution of test cases to identify defects in software. Test automation can be an ingenious part of the CI/CD process, as it allows for rapid feedback on the quality of code changes and helps to ensure safe code deployment. There are many benefits to test automation. 

  • Improved Speed: Automated tests can be run much faster than manual tests, allowing developers to quickly get feedback on code changes.
  • Increased Coverage: Automated tests can be run against multiple test cases and configurations, providing more comprehensive coverage than manual testing.
  • Improved Accuracy: Automated tests are less prone to human error than manual testing, resulting in more accurate and reliable results.
  • Reduced Costs: Automated testing can be more cost-effective than manual testing, as it requires fewer resources and can be run continuously.
  • Enhanced Reliability: You can run automated tests regularly, helping to ensure that code changes do not introduce defects and that the software remains stable over time.

To implement test automation, organizations typically use test automation frameworks and tools that allow them to define, execute, and report automated test cases. These tools can be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, allowing automated testing to run as part of the software delivery process. 

3. Multiservice

A “multiservice” architecture is a design pattern in which you break down a single application into more minor, independently deployable services. Each service is responsible for a specific set of functionality and communicates with other services through well-defined interfaces.

There are several benefits to using a multiservice architecture:

  • Improved Scalability: Services can be scaled independently, allowing the application to handle changes in workload better.
  • Enhanced Reliability: If one service fails, the other services can continue operating, minimizing the overall impact on the application.
  • Greater Flexibility: Services can be developed and deployed independently, making it easier to make changes to the application without affecting the entire system.
  • Improved Maintainability: Services are typically smaller and simpler than a monolithic application, making them easier to understand and maintain.

A multiservice architecture can be beneficial in a CI/CD environment, as it allows for more granular control over the deployment of code changes. It can also make it easier to roll back changes if necessary, as you only need to redeploy the affected service(s).

4. Stable Internal Releases

A “stable internal release” is a version of the software that has been thoroughly tested and is ready for use by internal stakeholders, such as employees or partners. These releases are typically more stable than early software versions, as they have undergone more testing and debugging.

Stable internal releases can be an essential part of the software development process, as they allow organizations to get feedback on code changes from a wider group of users. It helps identify any issues or bugs that might not have been caught by automated tests or by a smaller group of testers. They can also test new features or functionality that must be ready for a full production release.

In a CI/CD environment, stable internal releases can be created and deployed using a pipeline. Code changes can be built, tested, and deployed to a staging environment, where they can be reviewed and tested by a larger group of users. If the code changes are deemed stable, you can deploy them to the production environment.

5. Full Approval Pattern

The Full Approval deployment pattern is a technique for rolling out code changes to a live production environment. In a Full Approval deployment, code changes are deployed to a staging environment, where they are thoroughly tested and reviewed by a small group of users or stakeholders. 

If the code changes are deemed stable and ready for broader deployment, you can roll them out to the rest of the production environment. It is helpful for organizations that want to ensure that code changes are thoroughly tested and reviewed before being deployed to the entire production environment. 

It allows for a more controlled rollout of code changes, as they are only deployed to the production environment after they have been deemed stable.

You can implement the Full Approval pattern in a CI/CD pipeline by adding a staging environment between the build and deploy stages. Code changes can be built and tested in the pipeline and then deployed to the staging environment for review. 

If the code changes are approved, you may deploy them to the rest of the production environment. If necessary, you can roll back the code changes by redeploying the previous code version.

6. GitOps

GitOps is a software development and delivery approach that uses Git as a single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications. In GitOps, you can store the desired state of the infrastructure and applications in Git and make changes to the infrastructure and applications by committing code to Git.

One of the critical benefits of GitOps is that it allows for a more automated and streamlined software delivery process. By using Git as the source of truth for infrastructure and applications, it is possible to use CI/CD pipelines to build, test, and deploy code changes automatically. This process can speed up the software delivery process and reduce the risk of errors.

While GitOps can be a fast and efficient way to deliver software, it is not necessarily the quickest pattern in all situations. The right software delivery approach for a particular project will depend on that project’s specific needs and constraints. Factors such as the infrastructure’s complexity, the team’s size, and the desired level of automation will influence the software delivery approach.

To Summarize,

CI/CD pipelines play a deciding role in software development, allowing organizations to quickly and reliably deliver code changes to production. The correct pipeline pattern for a particular project will depend solely on the project’s needs. 

Organizations can effectively implement a CI/CD pipeline that helps them deliver high-quality software quickly and reliably by understanding these common patterns and choosing the one that best fits the project’s regulations.

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Jennifer Simon is a well-experienced WooCommerce developer at Virtina. She has been helping eCommerce customers gain in-depth knowledge about various eCommerce trends.

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