Product Lifecycle Management Platforms Based on Data

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Product Lifecycle Management

Let’s remember what the life cycle of an application is. According to D. Chappel’s definition, these are: “… all stages at which an organization invests in this resource in one way or another – from the initial idea of ​​a software solution to the disposal of end-of-life software …”

PLM (product lifecycle management) is a life cycle management system, thanks to which data is managed in the information space, which is the same for automated systems (where CAD, ERP, PDM, SCM, CRM and other automated systems of different enterprises operate.) PLM technologies combine methods and means of information support for products at all stages of their life cycle.

Product Lifecycle Management Platforms

Let’s move on to the platform itself.  Integrated enterprise platform:

These include, for example, collaboration services that are able to ensure the interaction of team members in the process of solving a problem of interest to them. They also serve as a supporting element of the relationship between various stages of the life cycle. They take into account the context of each specific role in ALM.

Jazz Foundation

The base is famous for its instant messaging, long discussion tools, wiki engines, and other notable Web 2.0 features. This makes work and analysis easier, as ICOholder gives its user the ability to quickly understand cryptocurrency trends.

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It is also convenient that the possible interactions between team members are considered as project resources.

Services of this type to platinum also allow you to define and execute processes by various methodologies, including the Rational Unified Process and various rapid development options. Event notification facilities are provided for this process. Namely: support for communication of team members in the performance of work, the implementation of tasks and the subsequent verification of compliance with the rules, the automation of basic tasks, the organization of workflows, where tools are used for different stages of the life cycle.

They also include the following processes: ensuring transparency of life cycle processes and transparency of process management (for this, only verified status metrics are introduced), attention to possible risks and problems of the project is surprised, after which dashboards are provided to track them, (in real-time including at all levels) Other Jazz Foundation services also include robust security tools, a distributed repository for all development resources, and role-based access.

Platform Jazz

An option that provides integration with the Eclipse development environment. It allows you to view projections and a range of views. It also allows users to access the Jazz server directly from a web browser, which is supported by many clients. Each Jazz server has a main web page where the user can select the area of ​​the desired project and log in. It can then interact with the Jazz Server and view the information in the repository, including checking for recent events, typing, updating workflow items, and loading assemblies.

Views for Eclipse (namely Team Central and Team Artifacts) are provided by this platform. Both options are needed to collect information and can be supplemented by the components of the platform itself. Information is as convenient and habitually stored as in the cloud.

The Jazz interface is more suitable for casual, occasional users, but not for an integrated development environment. This is because they do not require any special software to be installed on the client computer; all you need is a web browser.


The choice and use of reliable platforms for the development of products with high consumer properties and complex science-intensive products of high-tech enterprises is one of the most important in working with data. Protect yourself and your system.

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Melissa Robertson is a freelance writer who believes that with well-chosen words you can convey the right idea to a wide audience. Melissa is attentive to details, responsible, ready to develop in the profession.

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