Kovair Software Appoints Reseller for Mexico and Latin America

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Kovair and Paradigm

Kovair today announced the appointment of Coral Springs, Florida based Paradigm Telecom Solutions Inc., as a Reseller of all its products and services for Latin American markets. Paradigm is led by Alberto Campos who has had a very distinguished career in the IT Domain in Mexico, Colombia, Chile and other countries in Latin America as a high-level Executive for America Movil – one of the largest global telecom companies and a major mobile services provider in Latin America and presence in the US and Europe.

This agreement and the related arrangements are already in place and in progress with Paradigm actively pursuing prospects for business in this territory.

“Someone like Alberto Campos is an ideal choice for Kovair as he brings working experience in both the US and Latin America and being originally a native of Mexico, brings ideal linguistic skills in Spanish and Portuguese with infrastructure and personnel presence in at least three geographies of Latin America,” said Bipin Shah, CEO and Chairman of Kovair Software.

“In addition, Latin America and Mexico are high growth markets that cannot be ignored from a global business growth perspective. This had become very clear from the lead generation and inquiry activities we have been seeing for some time,” he continued.

“The alliance with Kovair provides Paradigm with the capabilities to rely on a strong organization with the latest technology, and appropriate solutions to face an expanding and challenging market such as Latin America. Through this partnership, we will add value, confidence, and tangible results to our clients and the market in that region,” stated Alberto Campos, head of Paradigm. “This is a win-win value proposition for both Kovair and Paradigm and a big win for the tools market in Latin America which is anxious to participate in the acquisition of both tools and technology for software development in the region as they do not want to be left behind in the growth of the Digital Economic paradigm,” continued Alberto.

“I have known Alberto Campos for some time through his presence in the Telecom markets in Latin America as a Gartner Analyst myself and am very happy to welcome him to the Kovair fold,” stated Akshay Sharma, recently appointed CTO of Kovair, and added, “The LATAM market can benefit from Kovair solutions helping organizations embarking on WFH migration strategies for DevOps Microservices, legacy ALM, and Product Lifecycle Management, with best practices.”

About Kovair:
Kovair Software is a Silicon Valley software product company specializing in the domain of Integrated Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools and supports global software development and management. Kovair’s focus on integrating third-party best-of-breed ALM tools with its Omnibus enables creation of applications in a synchronized tools environment.

Kovair’s flagship products Omnibus Integration Platform, ALM Studio, Kovair DevOps and QuickSync are highly preferred solutions by some of the major corporations globally.

Please contact sales(at)Kovair(dot)com for an immediate demonstration of this capability.

Press Contacts:
Kovair Software
Bipin Shah, CEO
Email: bipinshah(at)kovair(dot)com

About Paradigm:
Paradigm Telecom is a software solutions company based in Florida, with a presence as well as wide technical and operational resources in the Latin American market. Their goal is to create added value for our clients by implementing market-leading technologies and enabling our customers to be at the forefront of their industries.

Press Contacts:
Paradigm Telecom Solutions
Alberto Campos, CEO
Email: alberto.campos(at)paradigmtech(dot)us

Source: Kovair Software Appoints Reseller for Mexico and Latin America

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Kovair Software is a Silicon Valley software products company specializing in the domain of Software Product Development tools and solutions and supports global software development and management through Value Stream Management Platforms – VSMP. Kovair’s focus on integrating third-party best-of-breed ALM and various other tools such as PLM, PPM, ERP, CAD, CRM, ITSM, Test Management and other Applications enables the creation of products in a synchronized tools environment through its Omnibus Integration Platform. Now with its recent addition of DevOps and DevSecOps capabilities, it has a full offering of product development tools in multiple domains enabling high quality product development and digital transformation for corporations. Kovair’s flagship products Omnibus Integration Platform, Kovair DevOps and DevSecOps, Kovair ALM, PPM and QuickSync, are highly preferred solutions for some of the major corporations globally.

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