Dear Friends:
Welcome again to the Kovair Newsletter for April 2010 and a few words from my vantage point. By all measures, the US and the world economies are on the mend and we are seeing that in increased customer activities with more calls and more demos and quotes but the sales cycles still appear to remain relatively long.
So, what’s new at Kovair? Let me share that briefly in the following paragraphs.
We have been busy publishing some key white papers and they are listed in this newsletter with direct links for downloading for your current reading or storing them for the future. Two of them cover the area of Integrated ALM based on the Kovair Enterprise Service Bus – the Omnibus Middleware. The first one is “3 Approaches to Integrated ALM” and the second one is “Ten Benefits of Integrated ALM” These are a must read if you are considering an integrated development environment that is also globally distributed and your goal is to accomplish that without replacing any of your existing tools! The third paper we published is titled “65 Questions to Ask for a Requirements Management Tool.” This was also a very popular paper based on the number of downloads we received and if you have not down loaded it so far, you should take that opportunity here!
On the customer front, SaaS delivery model is gaining momentum and in the recent months, two out of our three new customers chose the SaaS delivery model for ALM. From a future interest perspective, the same could be said of ITSM. The biggest SaaS customer we gained was one of the major agencies of the State of California where the belt tightening due to budget shortfalls has brought some new thinking and if what we have done is successful, more agencies are likely to follow suit in adopting SaaS or the Cloud delivery model.
On the product front, we have continued to add integration adapters for our Omnibus Integration Middleware where the total number of adapters we now have is 21 and we can now offer turnkey integrated ALM solutions with Kovair and third party tools for both .Net and Java environments as well as with the entire suite of IBM Rational tools. Please visit for the latest updates on adapter availability by clicking on “ALM and IT Tools Integrations – Omnibus” on the top right hand side of the Kovair home page.
Please visit the section below in this Newsletter on our new products and enhancements release plans for the next couple of months.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and feel free to call on us at any time for any value add we can provide in enhancing both the development and service sides of your IT Operations!
Please also visit my blog at
Bipin Shah
CEO & Chairman