DevOps Trends to Keep Up With and Failures to Avoid

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DevOps Trends to Keep Up With and Failures to Avoid

In software development, following the practice of DevOps methodology is very important today. If your organization is already following the DevOps methodology, then it is important for your organization to keep up with the latest DevOps trends. In this article, we will talk about some of the latest DevOps trends that are already doing the round in the software industry.

7 DevOps trends to know about

The following trends mentioned below will help you stay up-to-date and improve your general development process.

  1. Docker and DevOps

Docker helps make configuration management simpler and speed up development stages. Using Docker, specific apps are put in a container to test how the app will work in an environment. Docker can also work as a cloud hosting, so it becomes much more convenient than PaaS systems. In addition, it constantly updated and new useful features are added.

  1. Self-healing Process

Open source project Kubernetes helps restore all data from one container in a few seconds. Thus, users can be confident that if something goes wrong, all data will be restored and a relevant report with detailed information will be generated.

  1. Automated Testing and DevOps

Manual testing takes less time, but, automated testing turns into a more reliable process in perspective. Automated testing units can be used multiple times. Therefore, bug fixes are faster.

  1. DevOps Comes with Agile

DevOps can be applied successfully if it is used in flexible conditions. Agile methodology makes it possible.

  1. Metrics are Crucial

You should use special tools to estimate the impact of DevOps in a team.

When following DevOps practice in the software development process, you should know about the possible outcome as well, That is. how effective has the workflow become? what impact will it have on the website development costs? and have you managed to provide your customers with an affordable software solutions?

  1. Cloud Solutions

Serverless computing doesn’t seem as something incredible. Today you can use cloud solutions and save on infrastructure. It is comparatively convenient and more reliable to immerse in the development process.

  1. Big Data and Machine Learning

Following DevOps methodology in software development leads to the generation of massive data flow. This data needs to be processed completely. BigData and machine learning algorithms help process and analyze this information. It will cost a penny, however, you will be able to optimize teamwork and find any pitfall sooner than later.

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These simple trends will eventually bring you good benefits. Now it is time to discuss the failures that you should avoid.

Bad Practices why DevOps doesn’t work

Although DevOps is a great breakthrough, nevertheless, not all companies may implement it successfully and they fail. Some of the bad practices why DevOps may fail are as follows —


You cannot introduce DevOps hastily. It takes time. You should, therefore, start with the preparation stage, build a plan that you and your team will follow, the tools that you will need to use, and what kind of experience you already have. If you think that you don’t have enough skills, it may be a good option to hire a DevOps engineer.

Quality is Ignored

Of course, speed is important in software development but you will not succeed if you ignore quality. DevOps methods include both quality control and ways to speed up the development process. You just need to choose the right tools to build your product.

Asynchronous Test Performance

Asynchronous tests make the development process longer. It is also not reliable as many DevOps engineers think. Teams can quickly follow continuous integration and deployment when tests are performed synchronously and automatically.

The goal is not set

The whole team should have clearly set goals. Everybody must understand what result they want to achieve and what they should do for it. Teams should also be ready when new techniques and rules need to be applied to keep up with all DevOps methods.

That is what you should consider when you plan to integrate DevOps into your development process. If you think that it is too complicated for you, it is better to hire a DevOps specialist who can guide you. Hope this article was useful!

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Sergey Lypchenko is a technical writer at Cleveroad. It is a web and mobile app development company located in Eastern Europe. Our main goal is to develop first-rate and competitive software for our customers. My mission is to provide people with interesting material about innovations in the world of IT.

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