Throughout the continuum of the software development industry, we’ve all seen some blunders when it comes to creating UX designs. These UX design failures, as we’ll call them throughout the length and breadth of our blog, affect the overall reception of an IT product.
In our context, a poor user experience in SaaS can result in the loss of a paying customer, or even hundreds of them. As a result, knowing what design flaws to avoid is critical. That way, you may remove them from your product or, better yet, avoid designing in that manner in the first place.
In this blog, we’ll be shedding light on exactly the same. So keep on reading to find out what UX design fails you must avoid in your SaaS for better customer retention!
TOC: Introduction Why does your SaaS need UX designs? 5 worst UX design fails to avoid in your SaaS Conclusion |
Why does your SaaS need UX designs?
Your consumers are your company’s lifeblood. To keep people coming back, you must ensure that they have a positive experience when using your SaaS product. This requires paying special attention to your product’s user experience.
For several reasons, great user experience is critical for SaaS products. For starters, if customers love using a product, they are more inclined to continue with it. Second, an effective user experience can help you stand out from the crowd. Finally, it has the potential to improve sales and build long-term client loyalty.
5 worst UX design fails to avoid in your SaaS
1. Long dropdowns
Long dropdowns are especially frequent on websites that need you to enter your nationality. If you’re from the United States and the app in question decided to include a dropdown, then enjoy your scrolling!
Usability difficulties like these can sometimes be solved by enabling users to type the initial letter of their nation and then having the dropdown only show countries that begin with that letter.
However, it is typically preferable to omit the dropdown entirely and let consumers type what they need to. Autocomplete may be a better option if you wish to add automation.
2. Tooltips that hide the UI
Tooltips, in an ideal world, would provide concise, context-specific guidance to only one UI element.
For a reason, they’re one of the smallest UI patterns. They should be so unobtrusive that they blend in with the natural UI.
They should not be positioned so that they hide the rest of the UI.
3. Having a new tab for every new feature
Having a new tab for every new feature is inconvenient for the user because it takes you away from what you were doing previously.
This is a disaster from the standpoint of a SaaS company, especially if you use onboarding tools.
If your user opens a page in a new tab, a page change is frequently not registered. So, if you’ve configured your automatic onboarding system to display a tooltip to the user once they click on the new feature, they won’t see it!
That means all of your efforts in developing that onboarding system were in vain. As a UX designer, this is definitely something you want to avoid.
4. Never-ending checklists
Going through checklists that have no end is a nightmare!
Therefore, avoid overwhelming customers by providing them with concise task checklists that will assist them in quickly reaching a certain point in their journey. When it comes to checklists, this is an excellent example of good UX.
5. Complicated passwords
We understand. You want your clients to generate strong passwords so that no one can access their personal information.
So a 6-letter password or something like “password123” will not suffice.
But you must also consider that the average user already has a lot of passwords to remember. You’ll merely stress them out if you make many conditions for password generation. Furthermore, people may forget their new 16-letter password with 6 unusual characters after a day or two!
Therefore, there must be a happy medium between security and usability here.
You now know some of the biggest design mistakes to avoid while creating a SaaS solution. When working on your UX design, hire a UX designer who is aware of the basics and knows how to create top-of-the-line user experiences that drive user engagement and better business outcomes!
Thia is a must-read for SaaS developers and designers. It expertly highlights common pitfalls and provides valuable lessons on delivering user-friendly experiences. This informative content equips readers with essential knowledge to enhance their product’s usability and overall success.