5 Keys to Creating a Successful DevOps Culture

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5 Keys to Creating a Successful DevOps Culture

DevOps has been a highly debated topic of discussion in the IT industry. While some have considered it as just a fad, others believe it will help to revolutionize IT operations. DevOps is a popular methodology that unites developers and operations teams on a collaborative platform from where they can work together to form a strategy and transform your entire business into a single operational entity.

People usually refer to the automation of build and deployment processes along with IaC (infrastructure as code) when they talk about DevOps. Many organizations have various department taking care of multiple number of different tasks. This often gives rise to complexity in the development process, which can also hinder the production process. By bringing in automation into the process, DevOps can help to eliminate this hindrance. At the same time, if you want to drive DevOps adaptation across your entire organization, then it is essential to dig into testing and change how it works.

In this article, we will look at some of the crucial steps to…

Enable a DevOps culture for growing your testing team

1. Build the Right Foundation

Quality assurance teams must function as a team of engineers since testers should not only build and run automated tests but also have good technical knowledge about how the app has been built.

This requires understanding the core concepts like Continuous Integration and IaC. This can help to get you uplifted and train people or leverage your vendors to swipe away from the manual testers for engineers.

2. Plan out the way your Team works

Well, DevOps is a kind of process which is more focused on less waste in terms of dependency, repetition and falling out deadlines by creating a culture full of self-help and self-sufficiency. Similar to this, test automation in the DevOps process ignites faster ways for feedbacks and bring back efficiencies in the process.

Hence, it should be made the top priority. The testing team is responsible for creating and supporting automation right away from the beginning. If they continue to get dependent on another team then there are possible chances your organization might never reap the benefits of DevOps.

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3. Thrive for Continuous Integration and Delivery platform

Once you have got your hands on board, you can focus on the DevOps team by providing developers with updated and accurate information about the production environment which helps them to plan deployment accordingly. The testing team touches all the points of the service lifecycle from requirements to planning and deployment to maintenance.

For this procedure, an in-depth knowledge about the platform and infrastructure is essential so that teams can easily troubleshoot when debug problems arise. By setting up an automated deployment pipeline, teams can deploy on any given environment within minutes through full automation. Along with the deployment pipeline, continuous integration, development, testing, and deployment should also be integrated to form a singular entity.

4. Performance Monitoring on Continuous basis

The performance monitoring is the key in an automated environment and there are multiple tools in the market which can help you keep up with it. From the hundreds of services given, you are required to look after deployment cycles of how automated your pipeline is performing to frequent code changes, objective features to bugs identification.

You will regularly need to address your compliance in addition to designing by enforcing some strong security policies. Configuration management tools like Puppet will constantly monitor your infrastructure for compliance and remediate your system back to its desired state automatically.

5. Get to Innovation through Empowerment

You should always give your team a chance to learn and experiment within their work hours to help them figure out better and effective work practices by sharpening their technical skills. So, you as a leader should take an initiative to help people innovate.

Try to create time during your regular work hours for employees to invest in themselves and improves their ways of working. Instead of just rewarding the person, you can motivate the efforts of who has contributed to the project by learning new skills to improve the work processes.

Fostering the DevOps culture

It seems insurmountable at times when you effectively align people and resources to employ DevOps. That’s the reason why it is the first step t incorporate the above-given tips and tricks in order to create your own DevOps culture. Keep Learning!

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Natasha Romanoff is a DevOps Expert by profession and writer by hobby. She works for Tatvasoft Australia, a Custom Software Development Company having Dedicated Software Developers for hire worldwide. It also provides mobile app and web development. She has a number of technology related posts under her name.

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