SonarQube is a popular open source static code analysis tool used for continuous inspection of code quality. . The code analysis reports are very effective in predicting the code quality. Sharing these reports among other stalk holders will be revealing the overall stability.
Kovair integration with SonarQube provides support for continuous inspection by enabling real-time notifications when code quality defects are introduced in an application. This transparency ensures that internal quality assurance is an integral part of the software development lifecycle, rather than an afterthought.
In a typical scenario, Kovair Omnibus along with the SonarQube adapter can capture code inspection and analysis results and report them back to IDE through Kovair IDE plug-ins for immediate resolution. Code Inspection results, logs and defects created in SonarQube can be immediately added to defect management tool like JIRA, Bugzilla, Mantis and development tools like Visual Studio, Eclipse.
Features & Benefits
- Improve quality of code by increasing developer knowledge and understanding of code quality issues.
- Improves delivery time, performance, efficiency of development teams and reduces maintenance cost through early identification of quality issues.
- Adds issues recorded in SonarQube to defect tracking tools like JIRA, Bugzilla and helps in early resolution of issues.
- SonarQube analysis results, reports and log data can be retrieved immediately and delivered to all integrated ALM tools.
- Tracks quality of new code, recently introduced issues, lack of test coverage on new code, etc. and automates issue assignment for mop-up
- Supports agile practices of incremental delivery, continuous integration and delivery, by providing shorter and faster feedback loops to developers for early resolution of issues and attain benchmarks.
- Exposes SonarQube artifacts like Build, Build Version, Issues Complexity-Metrics, Tests-Metrics, Duplication-Metrics, Issues-Metrics, Technical Debt-Metrics etc. to Kovair and Kovair-connected tools and their users.
- Relation exposed between any two exposed SonarQube artifacts e.g. Build to Build Version, Build Version to Issues, Build Version to Size Metrics, and Build Version to Technical Debt-Metrics etc.
- Workflow based automatic capturing of both code analysis logs, reports and results.
In a typical scenario, Kovair Omnibus along with the SonarQube adapter can capture code inspection and analysis results and report them back to IDE through Kovair IDE plug-ins for immediate resolution. Code Inspection results, logs and defects created in SonarQube can be immediately added to defect management tool like JIRA, Bugzilla, Mantis and development tools like Visual Studio, Eclipse.
Kovair Sonarqube integration adapter
‘Kovair SonarQube Integration Adapter’ provides the power of querying ,extracting all the vital parameters, metrics, Issues and logs from SonarQube and push to the Omnibus platform to have a consolidated picture of the code quality at any point of time.
Since SonarQube is mostly a part of the development cycle, management may not get involved in it but they can always visit the Kovair’s integrated ALM dashboard for the various code quality data. For instance, a manager can track the quality of new code, recently introduced issues, lack of test coverage on new code from within Kovair.
The adapter components are: 1) Kovair SonarQube Adapter which is a web service, 2) Kovair SonarQube Event Listener which is a Java plug-in.
Kovair Omnibus currently supports SonarQube Version 6.5.2
Kovair Dashboard and SonarQube Integration
This makes a unique combination where management people can get a glance of the entire code quality in one shot providing a predictive quality analysis. This integration covers all major Metrics like Complexity, Design, Issues, Management, Review and SCM. It also facilitates sharing of Metrics and data to any of the tools hooked into the ecosystem.
Why integrate SonarQube with Kovair
SonarQube not only allows combining metrics altogether but also mixes them with historical measures.
SonarQube can be integrated with Eclipse using the plug-ins that are freely available for download. When SonarQube is integrated with Eclipse, you can hook the trigger for build events to SonarQube to perform the analysis.
Kovair SonarQube Adapter provides an additional functionality of extracting the consolidated data from the SonarQube and execution results from within the Eclipse IDE. The extracted data is pushed to Omnibus and from there it can be used by other tools which are integrated with Kovair Omnibus for analysis and reports.
On Demand Scenario – SonarQube Integration
In a typical development scenario, developers checks-in the code into an SCM tool. The build manager prepares the build at a said interval with all the latest files.
When SonarQube is hooked into the system plug-in for the build deployment, then for every build that takes place, all code quality matrices and issue can be tracked and pushed into Kovair Omnibus using the Kovair SonarQube adapter. So whether the company wants to manage code quality at the file, module, project or portfolio level, Kovair’s reports and dashboards offer quick insights into the development stack. The management does not need to log into SonarQube to get the feel of the latest build quality from a consolidated view.
Use case example of Kovair and SonarQube integration
The following use case diagram explains how Kovair-SonarQube integration helps development teams, using different tools of their choice, collaborate on bugs/defects in real-time, resolve and expedite delivery cycles for improved product or service quality.