PTC Windchill is the industry-leading PLM software. PTC Windchill’s architecture facilitates easy integration with leading enterprise systems like Kovair ALM, IBM Jazz, Microsoft TFS or 110+ other tools, helping you quickly see the insights of PLM from the connected software. Integrated Application Lifecycle Management-Product Lifecycle Management (ALM-PLM) takes the best from existing hardware and software management and integrates them into a powerful set of processes and tools to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.
Kovair provides a vendor-neutral integration platform called Kovair Omnibus Integration Platform to which the best-of-breed ALM, PLM, ERP and other enterprise tools can be integrated using adapters.
Kovair PTC Windchill Adapter
For global companies, investments can go into millions of dollars or more to manage the products throughout its lifecycle. Changes arise dynamically during product development and after product release which tests the organizational effectiveness and efficiency in handling them as many times, it involves both the software (ALM) and hardware (PLM). In this context, it becomes highly imperative that they are integrated in a unified manner. Kovair integration adapter for PTC Windchill helps to achieve many integration scenarios between PTC windchill and any enterprise application including ALM where Bill of Material (BOM) transformation and management happens across the enterprise. Also, the telling need for multi-level BOM report generation and management is enabled. The adapter supports all the key artifacts like Parts, CAD Documents, Change Request, Change Notice, Change Task, Issues, and Documents apart from BOM along with their plethora of system and custom attributes and its dynamic updates.
Features & Benefits
- Traceability of BOM, product data visibility across the enterprise.
- Dynamic collaboration throughout all lifecycle phases.
- Generation and publication of BOM reports and its management across connected tools.
- Integration of distinct development streams to hardware engineering and manufacturing.
- OSLC support with PTC Windchill and other OSLC tools.
Why integrate PTC Windchill with Kovair?
- Collaboration – It is a challenging goal, given that a lot of global organizations still use separate and non-integrated processes to coordinate product development — Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools for hardware and Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools for software. The key to improve the time to market comes with collaboration. Jobs like R&D, joint development of hardware and software and the subsequent internal process increase the overall organization’s efficiency.
- BOM report – With this integration in place multi-level BOM or indented BOM report which contains parts and versions can be extracted to another connected system to provide visibility with the management.
- Unified traceability across tools –Generally, the support team has no visibility into the new accounts created by the sales team; therefore, they are not sure which customers’ accounts are eligible for support. The integration allows both the teams to have visibility into any new customer’s account created by the sales team.
- Change process visibility –Kovair Windchill adapter provides visibility of related change items like Parts, CAD Documents to the corresponding change objects like Change Request, Notice, Problem Report and so on. This can potentially improve the cross tools change object traceability and monitoring, a critical need for an enterprise.
Entities Exposed | Events Collected | Actions Supported | Relations Supported |
Use Case Example of Kovair Integration with PTC Windchill
Kovair PTC Windchill integrates with the best-of-breed enterprise tools, thereby enabling data and process flow of BOM transformation for a Model-Based System Enterprise (MBSE) scenario through bi-directional synchronization of system models and related sub-systems and components created in Enterprise Architect, it also creates a BOM structure in PTC Windchill automatically. At Windchill the PLM user can further add details to this BOM structure and create and describe the design by creating CAD Documents and associate it with Parts and move towards a release ready product in an iterative fashion to continue the model-based system engineering process flow by adopting top-down design approach.
Bi-directional integration through Kovair Omnibus and PTC Windchill adapter enables traceability and BOM structure transformation and propagation across the enterprise from Enterprise Architect to Windchill and downstream. One of the highlights of this example is also the status progress monitoring of the integration artifacts and their reporting (HTML) of dynamically changing BOM in EA & PTC Windchill.