New Relic’s software analytics product for application performance monitoring (APM) delivers real-time and trending data about your web application’s performance. With end-to-end transaction tracing and a variety of color-coded charts and reports, APM tool New Relic can visualize data down to the deepest code levels.
Kovair New Relic Integration Adapter
‘Kovair New Relic Adapter’ allows one to integrate New Relic tool with best-of-breed 110+ tools in Omnibus ecosystem. As a result of the integration, data from New Relic can be traced and analyzed in Kovair or any analysis tool. This integration brings Kovair DevOps solution to capture application performance data to the central repository.
Features & Benefits
- Synchronize attributes related to Application, Application Instance, and Application Host from Relic to target tools.
- Provides complete visibility of application performance from a single interface.
- Real-time metrics based on business events, transaction health across different platforms, response error, etc.
Why Integrate New Relic With Kovair
- Traceability: Relations between Application to Application Host and Application to Application Instance created in New Relic tool will also get synchronized with other tools in the integrated scenario. Using Kovair Omnibus platform, complete traceability from Application to Application Host and Application to Application Instance can be tracked through a single interface.
- Key Role in CI/CD: The New Relic tool, when integrated with Kovair Omnibus Integration using Kovair Relic adapter, enables CI/CD Performance Monitoring from a single application dashboard. Different teams working in a project and using different tools can closely track how code deployments affect the performance of application performance, analyze issues affecting database and instance-level performance, as well as all entity-related relationship directly from the Kovair workspace without having to individually log into the Relic tool.
- Application Performance Metrics: Generate metrics based on Business Events such as sign ups or purchase confirmation, Web Transaction Time and Browser Transaction Time, Event Analytics, Event Errors, Event Violations, Application Server Requests and Response Time, Page Views, etc.
Services Supported in Kovair Azure DevOps Adapter
Exposed Entities | Supported Events | Exposed Relations |
Use Case Scenarios with Kovair New Relic
New Relic monitors your application and infrastructure thus providing infrastructure’s health statistics and other information on your deployment such as Low overhead for your users and real-time information.
Regardless of where you are in your DevOps journey—whether you’re just getting started, have seen success in small pilots, or are already fully committed to the DevOps approach— Kovair New Relic adapter integrations can help collect monitored data and provide an overall view of the performance.
A transition to DevOps is not complete without a robust understanding of dependencies across application teams and related services. Visibility into critical dependencies improves collaboration across teams, reduces outages, and improves performance; thereby maintaining consistency throughout your application performance.
With the integration in place, New Relic provides the data you need to measure and monitor the new features that the Dev team delivers, while ensuring stability in quality that the Ops team oversees. As a DevOps driven company itself, New Relic understands the specific challenges software teams are facing and have built specific features with agile app delivery in mind.

You may have complex environments with service-orientated architectures like Kovair Omnibus, where one bottleneck can affect multiple applications and transactions. Cross Application Tracing makes it easy for DevOps– focused teams to get to the root cause of a problem and get it in front of the right person quickly.
Note: The adapter as developed and offered by Kovair follows the subject tool’s standard specifications. Any deviations from the Tool’s typical use pattern may not have been anticipated in our off-the-shelf product. For any customization or special configuration needs, please contact Kovair Sales –