HP Enterprise Application Lifecycle Management – HP ALM provides a centralized platform for managing applications starting from Requirements Management to Test Planning to Defect Management – all the core product lifecycle activities from planning to delivery.
HP ALM is an all-in-all ALM suite for development teams, as it has all the core ALM capabilities on its own. However, when it comes to collaborating HP ALM users with other tool users of extended development teams who don’t use HP ALM or HP QC, it may become an impediment. Since multi-vendor tools work in isolation and they don’t readily connect to HP ALM it results in communication gap between team members.
Features & Benefits
- Creates an Integrated Test Management framework for HP ALM users by making requirements, test artifacts and defects accessible between HP and non-HP tools like RQM, Selenium, Testlink, JIRA, and Bugzilla.
- Streamlines development activities by connecting HP ALM objects with 3rd party tools, thus ensuring cross-tool visibility and bringing in team collaboration
- Automates the flow of issues related information and their status between development and testing teams and then notifies each other, so that both team members are well informed about the corrective actions to be undertaken
- Eliminates common software development errors that occur due to manual intervention, miscommunication and inconsistent information
- Provides a consolidated view of synchronized cross-tool artifacts and their interrelationships across the entire chain from Kovair ALM
- Based on standard HP ALM tool specifications
- Fully featured graphical user interface to manage integration schedule
- Support for customizing business rules to define entity and field mapping
- Bi-directional synchronization of HP ALM objects like Requirements, Test cases and Defects with other tools like DOORS Next Gen, JIRA, ClearQuest, RTC, TFS, CA, Rally
- Easy plug-in and plug-out mechanism through ESB based architecture for quick and hazardless integration setup
Kovair Integration Support for HP ALM On-Premise and Cloud Version
Kovair addresses these organizational pain points with its flexible and scalable integration hub- Omnibus Integration Platform. Together with an adapter/connector and an IDE based plug-in for HP ALM, Kovair Omnibus enables HP ALM users to manage requirements, test cases and defects across heterogeneous tool setup without the need for manual intervention and traditional spreadsheet based project management.
Kovair currently supports integration with HP ALM Version 11, 11.5 and 12. For any subsequent releases please go to the web page or contact sales@kovair.com.

Additional Plug-in Support
Kovair also develops IDE based plug-in for users which allows developers to connect to HP ALM from any IDE (such as Eclipse JEE or Visual Studio) of their choice, thus providing remote users an easy access to HP ALM objects.
OSLC integration Support
HP ALM, being a non-OSLC compliant tool cannot establish OSLC linking directly with IBM Jazz-based tools like DOORS Next Generation, RQM and RTC. Kovair Omnibus enables HP ALM act as an OSLC provider where OSLC consumers can establish OSLC link within it referring the HP ALM items.
Why integrate HP ALM with Kovair
- Business analysts may manage requirements in more than one tool other than HP ALM, but Testers prefer viewing project requirements in HP ALM as they need to plan corresponding test suites and execute test cases. This creates a communication barrier between multiple tool users.
- Testers use HP ALM to prepare and run test cases and raise defects there in the tool, but developers about to fix those defects in JIRA or other popular defect tracking tools may not see the defect items real-time, therefore cannot start working on the fixes immediately.
- Project managers want to monitor release progress by viewing defect reports in HP ALM, but development team may not update the record of resolved defects directly to HP ALM. They may prefer doing so in their own defect tracking tool such as JIRA or Bugzilla.
- Testing team manages test artifacts and defects in HP ALM, but development team may prefer to view and manage their work in Agile planning tools. Unless both the teams are in sync with each other near real-time, there could be sheer confusions about who, what, when and why of any development objects being created and human error.
- QA Leads want to draw a traceability relationship between requirements, test cases, test runs and defects being maintained in HP ALM and other popular requirements management, defect and testing tool including open sources, but without HP ALM synced with other tools viewing traceability of cross-tool artifacts is not possible.
- Senior managers need to supervise an entire project workflow in order to understand if development and testing effort pass UAT (User Acceptance Testing) successfully and match with customers’ requirements. Unless HP ALM artifacts like Requirements or Defects are linked with Code files and,Change sets in SCM, creating a complete chain of traceable artifacts – Requirements, Code files, Change sets, Test cases and Defects is not possible.
- Help Desk team needs to update customers about real-time ticket resolution status from their own ITSM tool like BMC Remedy or ServiceNow, but Engineering team working on the escalated Tickets may not update those records directly into a Helpdesk tool, rather prefer updating the defect reports from within HP ALM.
Kovair Omnibus addresses all these organizational challenges and creates an integrated ALM platform around HP ALM for global users.
Entities SupportedRequirements, Test Suite, Test Case, Test Step, Test Run and Defect